Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity

2024 - Volume 1


Treatment-induced stemness and lineage plasticity in driving prostate cancer therapy resistance

Anmbreen Jamroze, Xiaozhuo Liu, Dean G. Tang

Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity

Received: Apr 12, 2024 | Accepted: Jul 26, 2024 | Published: Aug 25, 2024

Advances in Single-Cell Techniques for Linking Phenotypes to Genotypes

Hsiao-Chun Chen, Yushu Ma, Jinxiong Cheng, Yu-Chih Chen

Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity

Received: Jun 16, 2024 | Accepted: Jul 16, 2024 | Published: Jul 25, 2024
Original Research

Metastatic colorectal cancer cells upregulate SMLR1 that interacts with tumor-associated macrophages in the liver

Chi Wut Wong, Lihua Wang, Jorge Prado Balcazar, Yong Chen, Xiling Shen

Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity

Received: Mar 30, 2024 | Accepted: Jun 10, 2024 | Published: Jul 18, 2024

Unmasking SMLR1: The hidden player in colorectal cancer's liver metastasis

Xiaozhuo Liu

Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity

Received: Jun 10, 2024 | Accepted: Jun 13, 2024 | Published: Jul 18, 2024

Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity — A new journal dedicated to understanding cancer cell states and interactions with the tumor microenvironment

Dean G. Tang

Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity

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