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About This Journal
Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access (OA) journal dedicated to showcasing outstanding original research articles, reviews, and perspectives spanning the dynamic realm of cancer cell heterogeneity and adaptability and the complexities within their microenvironments. Its scope encompasses a wide spectrum of topics, including but not limited to the elucidation of evolutionary relationship of cancer cell subpopulations (i.e., heterogeneity), molecular mechanisms driving cancer cell plasticity (e.g., epithelial-mesenchymal transition or EMT), epigenetic underpinnings of cancer cell reprogramming (e.g., treatment-induced neuroendocrine (NE) transdifferentiation), and the influence of the tumor microenvironment (TME) on cancer cell dynamics. It extends to embrace studies exploring the impact of the microenvironment and systemic host factors (e.g., hormones, growth factors, inflammatory cytokines, and nerves) on cancer progression, therapeutic resistance, cancer cell dissemination and dormancy, metastasis, and the development of innovative targeted and combinatorial therapies.
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About Editor-in-Chief
Dean Tang

Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center (RPCCC), USA

Dean G. Tang is currently Professor and Chair of Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics at the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, NY. He also holds the George Decker Endowed Chair in Developmental Therapeutics. Trained as a Pathologist, Dr. Tang obtained his PhD in Cancer Biology in 1994 from Wayne State University (Detroit, MI, USA). In 1998-2000, Dean pursued a Burroughs-Wellcome senior post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Martin Raff at the MRC LMCB (University College London, UK) studying stem/progenitor cell development and plasticity. In June 2000, Dr. Tang joined the University of Texas M.D Anderson Cancer Center as a faculty member. After working at the M.D Anderson for 16 years, Dr. Tang was recruited to Roswell Park in June of 2016 to Chair the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics and Co-Lead the CCSG Developmental Therapeutic (DT) Program. He's also the Chair of the Experimental Therapeutic (ET) Graduate Program.
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Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity

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Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity

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Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity

Received: Jun 10, 2024 | Accepted: Jun 13, 2024 | Published: Jul 18, 2024

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Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity

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