Green Energy and Sustainability ISSN 2771-1641

About This Journal

  • Aims & Scope

    Green Energy and Sustainability (GES; ISSN 2771-1641) is a peer-reviewed, Open Access, interdisciplinary journal published quarterly online by Pivot Science Publications. This journal is a free platform to share problems and solutions, novel and critical ideas, and advanced technologies related to green energy and its impact on environmental sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability.

    This journal focuses on all aspects of green energy. It publishes original research papers, reviews, communications and short notes, etc., and there is no restriction on the length of the papers.

    The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to:

    • Wind energy
    • Geothermal energy
    • Marine energy
    • Solar energy
    • Solar thermal energy
    • Photovoltaics
    • Bioenergy and biofuels
    • Hydrogen energy and fuel cells
    • Energy storage and network
    • Energy efficient buildings
    • Energy conversion
    • Energy security

    GES aims to provide free academic resources to the researchers, engineers, technology developers, policy makers, and technical, economic and policy advisers, etc., to keep them abreast of new developments in the field of green energy and its applications to current practices.

  • Publication Ethics

    We insist on strict ethical policies and standards to ensure the high quality of scholarly publication on our platform and take a zero-tolerance attitude to all instances of misconduct, including data fabrication, plagiarism, authorship improprieties, and violation of recognized research practices, etc. We deal with all possible misconduct seriously based upon the COPE Guidelines. At any stage, if misconduct is proven, the paper will be rejected or retracted.  

  • Open Access

    Publishing with the Gold Open Access policy, the full text of the papers published in GES will be made freely available online, without any barrier of access or subscription requirement, to a worldwide audience. Further information of the Open Access policy is available at Why Open Access.

  • Copyright and License

    We adopt the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which means all papers published in GES are freely available online. Copyright of the published papers is retained by authors. Authors grant any third party the right to use the published paper freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and publisher are correctly cited. Authors also grant Pivot Science Publications an exclusive right to publish their paper and identify it as the original publisher.

    A note as below will be inserted in each paper published in GES:

    © Year by the author(s). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is correctly credited. 

  • Editorial Process and Peer Review
    Articles submitted to GES are subject to rigorous single-blinded peer review conducted by at least two reviewers from the same field as the author, followed by an unbiased editorial decision made by an academic editor from the journal. Reviewers adhere to the Guidelines for Reviewers when reviewing manuscripts, while editors abide by the Guidelines for Editors when making decisions. Academic editors and reviewers have the freedom to act completely independently from the editorial office when making decisions or advising on any manuscript. More details of our editorial process and policy are available at Editorial Process.
  • Quality Control of Special Issues

    A Special Issue comprises articles that spotlight emerging topics or present new perspectives within the journal's scope.

    Topic and Guest Editor Proposal

    All topics and Guest Editors for Special Issues require approval from the Editor-in-Chief to ensure alignment with journal scope and editor qualifications.

    Guest Editors should represent diverse institutions to maximize outreach and minimize potential conflicts of interest. When multiple Guest Editors are involved, a Lead Guest Editor will be appointed as the primary contact with the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Office.

    Peer Review and Editorial Process

    All submissions for Special Issues undergo a rigorous single-blinded peer review by at least two qualified reviewers, consistent with the journal's standard process on regular submissions.

    Guest Editors will not act as reviewers for their own special issue. Under the oversight of the Editor-in-Chief, Guest Editors will make impartial decisions on articles free from conflicts of interest. In cases of potential conflict, submissions will be referred to the Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Board members without such conflicts to ensure an unbiased evaluation.

    No more than 20% of research papers published in a Special Issue should be authored by Guest Editors to enhance contribution diversity.

    Supervision of Special Issues

    The Editor-in-Chief maintains overall responsibility for the journal's content, including Special Issues. This responsibility includes supervising Guest Editors and manuscript review process for all submissions. The Editor-in-Chief retains the authority to reject Special Issue submissions at any stage if they fail to meet the journal's scientific standards.

  • Plagiarism Checking
    To ensure the originality of published research, GES screens every submitted manuscript using iThenticate software in order to identify manuscripts containing plagiarized text, including self-plagiarism. Manuscripts suspected of exhibiting plagiarism will be investigated, and rejected if the plagiarism is subsequently confirmed.
  • Repository Policy

    GES adopts a repository policy that allows authors to deposit all versions of their manuscript in any institutional or subject repository, without any embargo period. Authors may update their preprints with the published version that includes a link to the article on GES's website, attributing GES as the source of the original publication.

  • Permanent Archiving
    All articles published in GES are archived in Portico so as to provide permanent digital preservation and open access. Portico secures the long-term survival of Web-based scholarly content in its original format without the risk of loss or destruction due to technological, economic, environmental or political reasons.
  • Publication Charge

    There will be no publication fee levied for papers published in GES in 2025.

    There is no charge for rejected articles, no submission charge, no editorial processing charge, and no surcharge based on the length of an article, color figures or supplementary data, etc.

    Editorial items, e.g., Editorials, Corrections, Retractions, Letters-to-Editor, etc., and Book Reviews are published free of charge.

    More details of charges are available at Fees.

  • Announcement

    Announcements regarding academic activities such as conferences are published for free. For more details, please contact the Editorial Office.

  • Contact the Journal

    For any information of the journal, please contact the GES Editorial Office.

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