Digital Agriculture

Jianfeng Zhou  PhD

Associate Professor, Division of Plant Science and Technology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
Research Interests: IoT sensors; robotics; AI-driven agriculture; precision livestock farming; AI-driven agriculture

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Dr. Zhou is an Associate Professor of Agricultural Systems Technology at the Division of Plant Science and Technology. He received PhD degree in Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Washington State University in 2014. He joined the University of Missouri in 2016 with a research and teaching appointment. Dr. Zhou teaches courses related to sensors, control and internet of things technology in agricultural systems. His research interests mainly focus on digital and precision agriculture, computer vision, high-throughput crop phenotyping, robotic harvesting technologies and precision livestock farming. Dr. Zhou authored more than 50 journal papers and six book chapters, edited two books. His research also resulted in serval invention disclosures and patents. Zhou serves as Associate Editor for Frontiers in Plant Science, Journal of ASABE, and guest editor for several other journals.

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