Green Energy and Sustainability ISSN 2771-1641

Green Energy and Sustainability 2025;5(2):0004 |

Original Research Open Access

Green energy from mine water: global utilization and a new method for assessing geothermal project viability

Grzegorz Gzyl , Anna Skalny

  • Water Protection Department, Central Mining Institute—National Research Institute, Plac Gwarków 1, 40-166 Katowice, Poland

Academic Editor(s): Tony Roskilly

Received: Sep 25, 2024 | Accepted: Feb 12, 2025 | Published: Mar 20, 2025

Cite this article: Gzyl G, Skalny A. Green energy from mine water: global utilization and a new method for assessing geothermal project viability. Green Energy Sustain 2025; 5(2):0004.


The mining industry invests a lot of money and effort in excavating and maintaining large underground networks of interconnected void spaces. This brings a unique opportunity to future engineer and minimize capital costs of mine water geothermal projects, which have wide global potential. This paper provides an update on the state-of-art in mine water driven energy utilization and, using the example of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB), Poland, presents a simple and fast method for assessment of geothermal project viability based on availability of six categories of nearby energy receptors: single-family housing, multi-family housing, services and large-area retail, office space, large-scale public buildings, active mining sites, and large-scale production plants. Results indicate a high potential for success of mine-water geothermal projects in the highly urbanised USCB. However, the coal mining industry in Poland is in decline so there is a strong tendency to avoid any kind of investment in innovation. The authors argue that this approach, although understandable, is short-sighted, as it overlooks opportunities to promote use of low-carbon energy resources, and create a post-closure “after-life”, or support mining communities, sustaining the cultural identity of mining regions. Given that land use categorization and weighting in our method can be adjusted for local or regional conditions, it is readily applicable for assessment of project viability at any prospective mine water geothermal location across the world.


mine water, geothermal energy, Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland, green energy, green transition

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